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Thursday, April 10, 2008


Saiyuki is a Japanese name for Journey to The West or Monkey King. In Chinese, Monkey King is called Sun Go Kong but in Japanese is called Son Goku. This series is different than Journey to the West series that I use to watch. This story tell that many years ago that humans and demons are live in harmony. But it ended after demons are attacking humans and wants to resurrect Gyumao (an evil powerful demons who had been imprisoned for thousand of years). Then a rough priest named Genjo Sanzo together with 3 demons (Son Goku, Cho Hakkai and Sha Gojyo) travels to the west to stop this evil and restore peace between humans and demons. The series has good fighting and there are weird things such as Sanzo used a pistol to kill demon, Hakkai shoot energy instead using a rake (here he's a human not a pig). But I still say it's good but I recommend this for teens to watch.

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