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Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Jubei Chan 2 - Counterattack of Siberian Yagyu

The Northern Yagyu were driven of Japan into Siberia by the Edo Yagyu and become the Siberian Yagyu after staying several years in Siberia. Yagyu Jubei fell in love and had a daughter named Freesia. After 300 years, Freesia had been frozen until global warming melt the ice and free her. After that, she learnt that the "Lovely Eyepatch" was not left for her, but to Jiyu Nanohana. So she track her down to defeat her but The Siberian Yagyu also learn the appearance of Yagyu Jubei the second and track her down to settle the 300 years old grudge. The series created in 2004 and has 13 episodes. It has funny scenes but mostly it's fighting and drama. It's best for teens and adults to watch.

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